Thursday, March 13, 2014

Watching My Weight...with Weight Watchers!

Hey everyone!

Man, this winter has been brutal hasn't it? I know I am definitely going stir crazy and while I have enjoyed the new knitting & crochet hobbies I have picked up these past few months to help pass the time, the sedentary activities have taken a toll on my waist line.

Spring is finally just around the corner- I can barely wait for those beautiful days, open windows, fresh air & sunshine.

Admittedly, I never thought I would want to go on a diet like Weight Watchers. After my daughter was born, the baby weight literally melted off. And kept melting off until I was at my lowest weight since high school. I could barely believe it could be so easy to lose the weight I gained when I was pregnant and wondered how any nursing mother could struggle losing the weight.

I was pretty arrogant, I admit.

And then, it happened. When I weaned my daughter, I kept going about thinking I could eat whatever I wanted, and oh yes, I would like another glass of wine thankyouverymuch. One day, I noticed my jeans felt a little snugger than usual. Damn that dryer, eh? Shrinking my favourite jeans and such. So I stepped on the scale.

And shit, well look at that. 15 pounds crept on before I even knew what hit me.

I ignored it for awhile, just going about my normal eating habits and telling myself that once Spring was here, I would be more active again and the weight would come back off. I realized that I wasn't happy and was only kidding myself. Sure, I will definitely be more active in the Spring and Summer months, but that isn't enough. I need a healthier lifestyle altogether and I don't want to live my whole life being reactive.

I chose to do Weight Watchers because I believe that it is the most effective way to set myself up for a successful lifestyle change- not a *diet*. I want to eat carbs- I love them too much to put myself on some insane diet where I survive on nothing but cottage cheese and grapefruit. I also need to make sure that I am still providing healthy, balanced meals for my fiance and my daughter and really, I am not going to cook 6 separate meals every dang day. Ain't nobody got time for that!

In addition to Weight Watchers, I have also started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. At the time of this post, I have just completed Day 8 and have been on Weight Watchers for 8 days as well.

My starting stats:
Weight: 140.5lbs
WW 10% Target: 126.5lbs
Goal Weight: 120lbs
Height: 5'5"
BMI: 23.4
Body Fat: 25.57%
Waist: 31"
Hips: 36"
Bust: 35"

I am allowed 26 Points Plus per day, with a weekly allowance of an additional 49 Points Plus to use as I chose. I also have a weekly activity goal of 16 Points Plus that if I choose to, I can swap out for extra food points. 26PP is the lowest possible points allowance for a women on weight watchers, so I obviously have to be verrrrrry smart with how I choose to spend those points. In addition to using Weight Watchers for the points system, I am also tracking my diet and exercise on My Fitness Pal.

I am so excited to continue on this journey towards a whole lifestyle haul! I am even rejoining a gym and I plan on starting C25K again this summer. Who knows, maybe I will run a 5K next fall! I plan on using this blog to motivate myself and maybe others will want to join me on this journey!

Move [more]
Eat [healthy]
Be [happy]


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